Source code for upload.views

import csv
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
import json
import io
import re

from flask import Blueprint, request, current_app as app, jsonify

bp = Blueprint('upload', __name__)

@bp.route('/upload_file/', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def upload_file(): """ POST /upload_file/ Upload, validate and process a file, and send it to CompleteSearch. :param use_first_row: use the first data row as a header. If the parameter is ``False``, the column names will be generated automatically (i.e. Column1, Column2, etc.). :param file: the uploading file :returns: dictionary with dataset settings, e.g. facet/filter fields, which fields to use for the full-text search, etc. :rtype: JSON response """ num_cols = 40 dialect = None result = {} error = '' header_row = True if request.form.get('use_first_row', 'true') == 'true' \ else False def create_header(cols): return ['Column' + str(i + 1) for i in range(cols)] \ if not header_row else None def create_dataframe(file, delimiter, names): return pd.read_csv( file, delimiter=delimiter, encoding='utf-8', engine='c', comment='#', error_bad_lines=False, dtype=object, names=names, ) try: if 'file' not in request.files: raise ValueError('You did not select any file.') csv_file = request.files['file'] if not allowed_file(csv_file.filename): raise ValueError('Wrong file type.') # Select non-empty lines to define a delimiter lines = [] for line in csv_file: line = str(line, 'utf-8').strip() if not line.startswith('#') and line != '': lines.append(line) if len(lines) == 50: break if not any(lines): raise ValueError('Cannot define a delimiter.') # Define the delimiter dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff('\n'.join(lines), delimiters=',;#$|\t') # Create a list with column names header = create_header(num_cols) csv_file_string = str(, 'utf-8') data = create_dataframe(io.StringIO(csv_file_string), dialect.delimiter, header) # Extend the number of columns and re-create the DataFrame if list(data.isnull().all()).count(True) == 0: num_cols += 20 header = create_header(num_cols) # data = create_dataframe(new_file, dialect.delimiter, header) data = create_dataframe(io.StringIO(csv_file_string), dialect.delimiter, header) # Remove extra columns with all empty rows data = data.dropna(axis=1, how='all') if data.empty: raise ValueError('Cannot process the uploaded file. ' 'Please make sure the header row contains data ' 'in all columns (fields) if you selected to use ' 'the first row as the header.') if header_row: # Remove all spaces in the columns header = {c: re.sub(r'\s+', '', c) for c in data.columns} data = data.rename(columns=header) for field in header: if field == '' or field.lower().startswith('xml') \ or not field[0].isalpha(): raise ValueError('Cannot process the uploaded file. ' 'Please make sure each column (field) ' 'in the header row starts with a letter ' 'and doesn\'t start with "xml".') # data, facets_fields = process_csv(csv_file, dialect.delimiter) facets_fields = define_facets(data) # facets_fields = sorted(facets_fields) facets_fields_str = ','.join(facets_fields) all_fields = data.columns.values.tolist() all_fields_str = ','.join(all_fields) result = { 'database_uploaded': True, 'all_fields': all_fields, 'full_text': all_fields, 'show': facets_fields, 'facets': facets_fields, 'filter': facets_fields, } # Save the processed file data.to_csv( app.config['OUTPUT_PATH'], sep='\t', escapechar='\\', # test this index=False ) # Don't run this code with TestingConfig if not app.config['TESTING']: # pragma: no cover opts = '--within-field-separator=\\; ' + \ '--full-text=%s ' % all_fields_str + \ '--show=%s ' % facets_fields_str + \ '--filter=%s ' % facets_fields_str + \ '--facets=%s' % facets_fields_str command = 'make OPTIONS="%s" pclean-all process_input' % opts # Process the input out, err = subprocess.Popen([command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() cmd_error = str(err, 'utf-8') if '[process_input] Error' in cmd_error: app.logger.debug('[Process input]:\n%s' % cmd_error) errors = set() for err_line in cmd_error.split('\n'): if err_line != '' and not err_line.startswith('make') \ and not err_line.startswith('sort'): errors.add(err_line) error = '<br/>'.join(list(errors)) except Exception as e: error = str(e) app.logger.exception(e) return jsonify(success=not error, error=error, data=result)
@bp.route('/save_uploaded_dataset/', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def save_uploaded_dataset(): """ POST /save_uploaded_dataset/ Save the ploaded dataset's settings and start the CompleteSearch server :param data: a dictionary with all dataset's settings, which have been generated by the ``upload_file`` function. :returns: dictionary with the ``success`` property and an ``error`` message :rtype: JSON response """ settings = app.settings.to_dict() error = '' try: if not raise ValueError('Data is missing.') params = json.loads(str(, 'utf-8')) # Save the settings settings.update(params) # Start the server subprocess.Popen(['make start'], shell=True).communicate() except Exception as e: error = str(e) app.logger.exception(e) return jsonify(success=not error, error=error)
[docs]def allowed_file(filename): """ Check if the uploading file's type is allowed. :param filename: filename :returns: result of the check :rtype: bool """ return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']
[docs]def define_facets(data): """ Define facets by their occurrence in the dataset. :param data: ``DataFrame`` with the uploaded dataset :returns: field names which will be used as facets :rtype: list """ non_nan_rows = data.count() # number of non-NaN rows in each column # Define good facets (columns which have more than one occurrence) facets = [ { 'name': column, 'count': data[column].value_counts().size } for column in data if data[column].value_counts().size < non_nan_rows[column] ] facets = [x['name'] for x in sorted(facets, key=lambda x: x['count'])[:5]] return facets
# def process_csv(csv_file, delimiter): # """ Check the uploaded file (skip bad rows) and define facets. """ # data = pd.read_csv( # csv_file, # delimiter=delimiter, # encoding='utf-8', # engine='c', # comment='#', # error_bad_lines=False, # dtype=object, # ) # # Number of non-NaN rows in each column # non_nan_rows = data.count() # # Define good facets (columns which have more than one occurrence) # facets = [ # { # 'name': column, # 'count': data[column].value_counts().size # } # for column in data # if data[column].value_counts().size < non_nan_rows[column] # ] # facets = [x['name'] for x in sorted(facets, key=lambda x: x['count'])[:5]] # return data, facets