Settings API

API operations on configuring the uploaded dataset.

POST /configure_dataset/
Change dataset parameters and regenerate CompleteSearch’s indices.
  • title_field – which field to use as a hit’s title
  • allow_multiple_items – fields containing multiple terms per column, e.g. several authors per one document
  • within_field_separator – a delimiter which is used in allow_multiple_items
  • full_text – which columns should be searched
  • show – which fields should be returned on a hit
  • filter – search in a specific column
  • facets – restrict the search to specific columns and phrases

dictionary with the success property and an error message

Return type:

JSON response

POST /delete_dataset/
Reset app’s settings, delete the uploaded dataset and stop the CompleteSearch server.
Returns:dictionary with the success property
Return type:JSON response
GET /get_settings/
Get a dictionary with all dataset settings.
Returns:dictionary with dataset settings, e.g. facet/filter fields, which fields to use for the full-text search, etc.
Return type:JSON response