Source code for settings.views

import json
import subprocess

from flask import Blueprint, request, current_app as app, jsonify

bp = Blueprint('settings', __name__)

@bp.route('/get_settings/', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def get_settings(): """ GET /get_settings/ Get a dictionary with all dataset settings. :returns: dictionary with dataset settings, e.g. facet/filter fields, which fields to use for the full-text search, etc. :rtype: JSON response """ settings = app.settings.to_dict() data = { 'title_field': settings['title_field'], 'within_field_separator': settings['within_field_separator'], 'all_fields': settings['all_fields'], 'allow_multiple_items': settings['allow_multiple_items'], 'facets': settings['facets'], 'filter': settings['filter'], 'full_text': settings['full_text'], 'show': settings['show'], } return jsonify(data)
@bp.route('/configure_dataset/', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def configure_dataset(): """ POST /configure_dataset/ Change dataset parameters and regenerate CompleteSearch's indices. :param title_field: which field to use as a hit's title :param allow_multiple_items: fields containing multiple terms per column, e.g. several authors per one document :param within_field_separator: a delimiter which is used in ``allow_multiple_items`` :param full_text: which columns should be searched :param show: which fields should be returned on a hit :param filter: search in a specific column :param facets: restrict the search to specific columns and phrases :returns: dictionary with the ``success`` property and an ``error`` message :rtype: JSON response """ settings = app.settings.to_dict() error = '' try: if not raise ValueError('Data is missing.') params = json.loads(str(, 'utf-8')) if not params['full_text'] and not params['show']: raise ValueError('At least one field must be selected in both ' + 'Full Text and Show') settings.update(params) settings['within_field_separator'] = params['within_field_separator'] \ if params['within_field_separator'] != '' else ';' # Don't run this code with TestingConfig if not app.config['TESTING']: full_text = ','.join(settings['full_text']) allow_multiple_items = ','.join(settings['allow_multiple_items']) within_field_separator = settings['within_field_separator'] show = ','.join(settings['show']) filters = ','.join(settings['filter']) facets = ','.join(settings['facets']) opts = '--within-field-separator=\\%s ' % \ within_field_separator + \ '--full-text=%s ' % full_text + \ '--allow-multiple-items=%s ' % allow_multiple_items + \ '--show=%s ' % show + \ '--filter=%s ' % filters + \ '--facets=%s' % facets command = 'make OPTIONS="%s" process_input start' % opts # Process the input out, err = subprocess.Popen( [command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() cmd_error = str(err, 'utf-8') if '[process_input] Error' in cmd_error: app.settings.reset() app.logger.debug('[Process input]:\n%s' % cmd_error) errors = set() for err_line in cmd_error.split('\n'): if err_line != '' and not err_line.startswith('make') \ and not err_line.startswith('sort'): errors.add(err_line) error = '<br/>'.join(list(errors)) error += '<br/><strong>Please re-upload the dataset.</strong>' except Exception as e: error = str(e) app.logger.exception(e) return jsonify(success=not error, error=error)
@bp.route('/delete_dataset/', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def delete_dataset(): """ POST /delete_dataset/ Reset app's settings, delete the uploaded dataset and stop the CompleteSearch server. :returns: dictionary with the ``success`` property :rtype: JSON response """ app.settings.reset() subprocess.Popen(['make stop pclean-all'], shell=True).communicate() return jsonify(success=True)